Monday, December 3, 2012

Less is More , Except at Christmas

Christmas time is the only time you can go all out and overboard with your decorating .More is more.
You can't have too many lights and ornaments on the tree. Three or four kinds of garland is not too much. If you cover the tree and can't see one bit of green, well, ok. Have at it!  Enjoy the explosion of glitz and glitter. It's the holidays!!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Great Expectations

 I love to read, and I especially love Charles Dickens.   One of my favorite stories of all time is "Great Expectations" and all the imagery the story commands. Given the opportunity, I couldn't resist putting my own touch to the imagery by doing a piece in miniature

"Miss Havisham's house....dismal, and had a great many iron bars to it. Some of the windows had been walled up; of those that remained, all the lower were rustily barred."
"....draped table with guilded looking glass,... a fine lady's dressing table... in an arm chair....sat the strangest lady I had ever seen."
"... dressed in rich materials-satins and lace, and silks all of white... everything which ought to be white  long ago, and had lost it's luster... the bride had withered like the dress and the flowers..."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Use a Handkerchief

As a small child, if one or my siblings or myself would get all snotty and congested we would hear Mom yell "use a handkerchief !", from the other side of the house, room or whatever, even before that sleeve could be thought of.  Now days it's a tissue and the days of always having a pretty hanky are gone, except for one of my dear friends.  She collects  pretty hankys from the past. Beautiful, colorful, sometimes white, sometimes lacy handkerchiefs.  She has so many stored in those wonderful drawers that scrapbookers use for their papers, that the stack is as high as I am tall. We put a few to use in her kitchen window.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Window big and small



Making draperies has been a big part of my life for a very long time.  Making miniature draperies is also something I really love to do.   Here are examples of one "real size" window treatment and some custom miniature treatments I have had the pleasure to do, as well as a rug and bed treatment.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

I'm here again!

It's hard to believe it's been sooooo long since I last posted. Much has been going on. Moved my business location, twice. Added 2 new grandbabies to the family and a son-in-law, lost a huge amount of weight, grew a garden, redecorated a couple of rooms at home, not to mention for clients! And had the occasional chance to work on some miniatures. One project that I totally enjoyed doing was the restoration of a dollhouse that belonged to my daughter's friend as a child. She had given it to me years ago, since she knew how much I enjoyed them. Well it was fun, and restored for the specific purpose of returning it to her for her own little girl to play with. She was VERY pleasantly suprised. She said she had forgotten about the doll house and she was so happy to have it back.